Charles Robinson

Erin, Ontario

A professional botanist by training. In Canada he became editor of agriculture and horticultural publications for Monetary Times in Toronto. He carried on a 25-year project with L. pumilum in an effort to produce spotless, clean-colored lilies which might be attractive to florists. Worked to improve flower texture with considerable success. L. pumilum and L. davidii var. unicolor became strong influences in his Asiatic program, specifically in the production of spotless hybrids.

Took a special interest in breeding L. candidum var. salonikae with L. monadelphum to enlarge the genetic base within this group of hybrids and to create hybrids which would grow in calcium-rich soils. Was also keen to produce a lily of European descent and experimented by using ‘June Fragrance’ x ‘bulbiferum var. croceum’ with some noted success.

Prolific writer of well-researched articles. He studied the genetics of lilies as well as the chemistry of the pigments. “Observations of a Lily Breeder” – a collection of articles by Robinson printed in booklet form by the Ontario Regional Lily Society (ORLS) in 1979. E.H. Wilson Award NALS 1983, Earl Hornback Award NALS 1970 for ‘June Fragrance’. Was the first person to be conveyed a life membership of the ORLS. The ORLS established the Charles Robinson Award for the best stem of a named hybrid clone in Section A, classes 14 to 18 (lnterdivisional Hybrids) in his honor.

Excerpted from “Canadian Lily Hybridizers and Their Lilies – A Working Garden Reference” by Leanne Dowd

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