Herbert E. Sunley

(Bruno the Bear)
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Began working with lilies around 1961-62 with bulbs of L. aura­ tum and L. henryi from the local Seed and Feed store. Paul Stevens who knew Bert says that he was a keen advocate for the preservation of lilies and had a tremendous knowledge of existing cultivars. While his hybrid ‘Bold Knight’ was a natural tetraploid, he did have an interest in creating tetraploids and, to that end, experimented with the use of cholchicine, following the lead of Dr. Cecil Patterson. Founding president of the Canadian Prairie Lily Society (CPLS) which was formed on April 1st., 1967. Due to his excellent leadership skills, he held the position for many years. In addition, he developed the first newsletter. Received NALS Regional Service Award (CPLS), 2004 for long and faithful service to the society. Honorary life membership in CPLS. Accredited NALS judge. The South Saskatchewan Lily Society and Canadian Prairie Lily Society award the Herbert E Sunley Founding President Award at their yearly shows for best seedling.

Excerpted from “Canadian Lily Hybridizers and Their Lilies – A Working Garden Reference” by Leanne Dowd
Photo courtesy of Saskatoon Star Pheonix

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