Robert Simonet

Edmonton, Alberta

A steam engineer and fireĀ­man before launching his own market garden business in 1930. Education on plant genetics was self-taught using the Edmonton Library and the University of Alberta Library. After getting married, he and his wife grew plants with a view of improvement in diverse crops of vegetables, trees, shrubs and hardy fruits. Although L. philadelphicum sparked his interest in lilies, it was trumpet lilies from Fred Tarlton and seed from Percy Wright that really set it ablaze.

First creator of double petunias outside of Japan (developed during WWII years when all trade was stopped with Japan). At the time and up until at least 1990, it was the only flower ever developed in Canada. For several years he was the largest double petunia seed producer in the world. He worked for five years to develop the seed and eventually produced 100% double petunias in 11 different colors. This success allowed him to close the market garden and gain income solely from the sale of double petunia seed. Simonet was considered to be one of the world’s best plant breeders of the time. He also worked with rhubarb, strawberries and turnips. ‘Simonet’ corn can still be found. Double hollyhocks, ‘Simonet Buff’ gladiolus, ‘Alta Sweet’ turnips and the ‘Alberta ‘ apple were also his. He left a legacy of rose hybridization with numerous named and introduced varieties that went on to be instrumental as breeding stock for the development of tetraploid roses at the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa. Received the Manitoba Horticultural Society Stevenson Memorial Gold Medal in 1960. Life membership in the Western Canadian Society for Horticulture in 1967. Was awarded the Alberta Horticultural Association Centennial Gold Medal 1971. Received an honorary life membership in the Agricultural Institute of Canada 1974. Inducted into the Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame 1984.

Excerpted from “Canadian Lily Hybridizers and Their Lilies – A Working Garden Reference” by Leanne Dowd

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