Lily Basics
Read the five part Lily Basics series from Olds College, including:
- Part 1: Taxonomy
- Part 2: Morphology
- Part 3: Planting And Culture
- Part 4: Descriptions and Divisions
- Part 5: Pests and Diseases of Lilies
Download the Lily Basics brochure from Olds College.
Lily Leaf Beetle
Unfortunately, the Red Lily Leaf Beetle (Lilioceris lilii) has been found to overwinter in Alberta, with most confirmed sitings in the Calgary region. As of 2017, the beetle has spread from north-west Sherwood Park across the north of Edmonton and into St Albert with additional sitings reported in Spruce Grove, Fort Saskatchewan and other areas of Edmonton and Sherwood Park.
Find out more information from these sites and learn to identify and control this most devastating lilium pest.
Report a sighting
To report at Lily Beetle sighting in Alberta – contact:
- (Alberta Regional Lily Society)
- (Olds College Alberta)
- (Carlton University Ontario)
ARLS Publication on the Red Lily Beetle –re-published April 2017
Information on the lily beetle
Some great regional information on the lily beetle – an informative article by Lynnette Westfall –
Royal Horticultural Society – Lily Beetle Project
University of Guelph
Pest Diagnostic Clinic
University of Massachusettes
They also have a downloadable PDF fact sheet about the Lily Leaf Beetle, Courtesy of URI Extension: Lily Leaf Beetle Fact Sheet
Garden Web Lily Beetle Fact Sheet
Floral Design Links
Floral Design Sites to check-out as recommended by ARLS’ Design Show Chairman, Cecilia Bertram:
Lily Societies and Groups
North American Lily Society
Really into lilies? The North American Lily Society (NALS) is the parent society of the Alberta Regional Lily Society. NALS membership benefits include a yearbook, quarterly bulletins, and other publications. Runs an amazing, comprehensive world-wide lily seed exchange.
Canadian Prairie Lily Society
Founded in 1967, the CPLS serves Saskatchewan.
Manitoba Regional Lily Society
The friendly MRLS serves lily enthusiasts in Manitoba.
South Saskatchewan Lily Society
SSLS serves southern Saskatchewan.
Victoria Lily Society
VLS serves the Greater Victoria, British Columbia region.
Northstar Lily Society
Serves the upper Midwest area of the United States, specifically in the State of Minnesota.
Lily Cultural Information and Photos
Various lily informational reference sites:
HortiPlex Plant Database – Lilium information (search results, so content may vary).
Jaap van Tuyl
Lily breeding information with lots on genetics.
On-line Lily Register
RHS Online Lily Registry searchable format.
Royal Horticultural Society Lily Group
The RHS is the International Registration Authority for lilies, and publishes a Register of cultivar names used in the genus. Regular supplements are published to update the Register.
Lily-related Discussion Forums
Cold Zone Gardens
Jim Sullivan recently named his black-red Asiatic “In the Zone” after this group! Lilies are often the topic of discussion in the ‘Zone due to their huge popularity amongst prairie gardeners, but other perennial plants and gardening tips for gardening in zone’s 2-4 are also welcome.
A Yahoo lily forum devoted to explore all aspects of growing, hybridizing, and propagating Oriental, Asiatic, trumpet, martagon, and species lilies and their hybrids.
Pacific Bulb Society
The Pacific Bulb Society (PBS) for the benefit of people who garden with bulbs that will grow outdoors on the Pacific Rim; from Alaska to South America, and from Russia to Australia. This includes both cold hardy and tender bulbs, and all the bulbs in between. Pacific Bulb Society wiki
PBS wiki – look for Lilium under “Photographs And Information”.